Welcome to CIRCA’s 2021 Claim Symposium! This meeting is for shareholders, their safety & claim teams, and CIRCA’s supporting providers.
The tentative agenda is as follows:
Monday, January 11th
5pm - Group cocktail & dinner
Tuesday, January 12th
7am - 8am - Breakfast
8am - 10am - Breakout sessions: Real cases, Real dollars!, Best Practices for Investigation and Claims Reporting, Claims & Market Trends
10am - Break
10:30am - 12:00pm - Auto Focus, Catastrophic Response and Record Keeping
12pm - 1pm - Lunch
1pm - 3pm - Breakout sessions: What would you do?, Contracts & Insurance Certificates
3pm - Break
3:30pm - 5pm - Technology Uses & Recommendations, Steps Driver Training
6pm - 10pm - Cocktail, Dinner and Porsche Simulators
Wednesday, January 13th
7am - 8am - Breakfast
8am - 10am - Breakout sessions: Real cases, Real dollars! Part 2, Workers’ Compensation Focus, Fit for Duty Exams, Investigations, Surveillance, Nurse Case Management, Transitional Work Solutions, Accommodating Light Duty
10am - Break
10:30am - 12:00pm - Work Zone Accidents, Project Lift Off, Wrap Up
12pm - Adjourn
Formal invites will be sent shortly, but please save the date! If you have interest in attending, please contact Jason Oswald.